Christmas, 2002 - opening presents, visiting with Deb, Byron and CK, and playing around the house the next day.  
Featuring the first outing in the Love Bug!  Also see Katie and Marie's visit and Florida with Buddy and Boopie
Lachance HomeLachance Album

Christmas afternoon:  Santa arrived, the boys arrived, and the fun began.

Drew opens

John opens and tries on overything - including a paintball set and a cool head-lamp from Parkie and Dan

More gifts

Debbie, CK and Byron came by for Xmas dinner

Family time

Lots of laughs
Lots to laugh at


The Love Bug - arriving on a truck shortly before Xmas, proving we're third-time smart.  (Our first attempt to bring it home  |  Our second attempt)  Right: Frank, Drew, John and Ryan take it out for its first spin.  They made it 4 times around the cul-de-sac before it ran out of gas and had to be pushed into the garage.  

John and Ryan try their hand at paintball

Blizzie shares her trademark "snarl" (her way of smiling), and sleeps protecting her new giant tennis ball.
March 9, 2003