Memorable moments from our family's celebration of Christmas, 2001.
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December 9, trimming the tree.  Check out Blizzie's unusual sitting style.

Christmas Eve:  After a lovely dinner with Debbie and Byron, the boys played hoops in the driveway awaiting our departure for Midnight Mass.  The picture on the right is the scene when Santa Claus finally got to sleep.

Drew in his UVA hat, Frank shows his Easter Island head desk statue, and John in his Clemson toboggan cap

A favorite gift from the boys to their Dad:  Grinch underwear

Drew and John as they open the XBox and look up at their Dad, holding the phone, where Buddy and Boopie are listening for their thrilled  reaction. 
John thanks his grandparents, while Drew goes to get the other phone and conveys his appreciation.  Before long, they had the system hooked up and were enthralled by the graphics and gameplay.  Notice the sweatshirt, given to Donna by Dean in 1991, now appropriated by Drew.

The boys burned off Christmas energy with a little hoops in the afternoon.

Frank gave me the Lladro statue, "A Kiss to Remember" to commemorate John's hilarious outcry of  "Yuck!" when we kissed during our wedding ceremony.

Blizzie tried to guard the coveted giant tennis ball, but Gopher soon joined in contention for the new toy.
January 9, 2002