The Adams Family held our traditional Thanksgiving dinner at the home of Lynne and Mike McDougal.  Please check out all four pages of pictures, starting on this page with family groupings.  And start now to plan for next year - we decided to return to annual reunions.
Family Portraits | Kids at Play | At Dinner | Picture of everyone who was there | Adams Home | Thanksgiving 2001
Terry and Momoko's family
Jeff and Anne's family

Parkie, Dan and Bruce

Ruth and daughter Kitty

Blake and Debbie Patterson's family

Mike and Lynne McDougal's family.   So many girls, so few dogs.
Siblings Ruthie, Don and Parkie
Ted gives a coffee salute

Ruthie and Steve

Meg, Scott and the toothless wonder (Tom)

Debbie and Christopher

Donna and Frank

GranJan and Kitty

Kevin with Colby

Parkie and Dan, still crazy about each other

Sally and Ted

Carol and Bill
 See the rest of the pictures:  Family Portraits | Kids at Play | At Dinner | Picture of everyone who was there