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 Much of the action took placeon the sidelines

Sibling Closeups:  Hope doing Garbo, Emily enjoying a popsicle, anf Spencer doing - well, we're not sure what he was doing!

Happy kids Connor, Weiler and Margaret

See how they grow:  The pictures on the left are from August, 2000, and the ones on the right are from this weekend.

Binoculars provide entertainment for kids of all ages: Weiler (4), Brandon (8), Derek (>21)

 Derek shows his skateboarding style, and Frank and Medhat find it  -um- amusing.

Weiler hits the boards

Connor, Mark, Evan and Cheryl; Nick and little sis Margaret

Spencer and Hope look at the pictures;  Hope styles Meredith's hair;  Weiler catches some ZZZs (he can do that when brother Billy has a shutout going).