These pictures are from the last session of the Agility, Speed and Power course from Quality Sports Training.  Since it's now November and night falls early, the session's rigor was enhanced by the dark setting, illuminated only by thr lights from neighboring Noonday Fields.  The boys worked hard and had fun.
Pix from first week of ASPAll the U12 Photos | Quest U12 Home

Clowning around during a break.  Missing: Billy, Patrick and Nick

AJ racing, Chancey and Sam twist-jumping, Evan pulling the 50-lb sled

Finishing up the night with some calisthenics  (I have permission to use Thomas's pic)

More of the group doing calisthenics
You like John's sock combo?  he has another pair just like it at home!

Jonathan gets the schedule for this weekend's Raleigh tournament from Debbie
Jerry and Hope show how temperature tolerance can vary within one family!
November 8, 2001