1/84 to 5/98
Sunny was a Shetland Sheepdog (sheltie), and he was my pet for 14 years.   He was born on SuperBowl Sunday, 1984, to my sister's dog Shannon.  Sunny was the runt of the litter, and had a very special personality from the start.  I had wanted a girl dog, but Debbie convinced me to take this particular male.  I named him Sunny because I was working as brand manager of Sundown Sunscreen at the time.  It fit him.  Sunny was a great companion and loyal friend.  He shared me with several cats, and lots of human friends over the years.  He slowed down a lot in his later years, and earned the nickname Ratley.   Here are a few pictures to remember how he was in his prime. 
Donna   (Lachance home)

As a puppy, with Ruthie (my Mom)

At about 2 years old

With me in 1985, 
just before we left for business school

My favorite picture of Sunny, 
with his dogsitter Devon in 1985