Drew, John and Scott played Warhammer all Sunday morning on our kitchen table with figures they have collected and painted over the past few weeks. If you want to see them in the amazing Warhammer store (which we have now visited five times in three weeks), go here.
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Drew and John show off their warriors.  They come unpainted, and the kids paint them to suit their imagination and battle themes.  Drew's army are the Lizardmen, and John's are the Bretonnians

The warriors set up their armies.  In close-up you can see Drew's new champion Kroxigor.  They painted all of these characters themselves, and made the trees.
Drew took these pictures of the table set for battle, with all armies strategically positioned.

And now the war is  on.  They roll the dice and make their moves. 

Drew and John in the Games Workshop store, picking out their latest Warhammer fantasy battle figures to paint and fight with. 
Last update -  29 February, 2000