French Lovers
The U16 Boys' soccer team from Lambersart, France came to play in our club's tournament Memorial Day weekend 2003.  Players Loic and Bryce stayed with us, and we had a blast entertaining - and being entertained by - the self-proclaimed French Lovers.
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John W., Bryce, Loic, John in our driveway
Bryce, Loic and teammates at Canterbury Park

Showing off their ball skills

Turns out foosball is an international sport as well. 

The night they arrived, hanging out at the soccer club. Here is the team, and the Lambersart coaches with Quest leaders John Benton and John Heath

Loic and Bryce wasted no time in trying to impress the local ladies

Later on in the weekend, we gave them the chance to try out their skills with girls who were - um - older. 
(Pictures courtesy of fellow Quest parent John Wangrin, who took their houseguests there too.)

Ready for action

We enjoyed watching them play soccer. Click here for more soccer action shots of Loic and Bryce

After a win over  Concorde's U17 team, Loic gets a few pointers from John

John and his teammates watched Loic and Bryce's team play the Quest U16s in a hard-fought close match on Saturday night.
June 20, 2003