Frank and his friends Mike and Jay started a baseball fantasy league 10 years ago.  You know, back when they had to track their teams' performance  on <gasp> Excel spreadsheets.  Today they do it all online courtesy of Sportsline, but drafting is still an all-day party.  Mike and Jay are still in the league.  They asked Frank to come by this year, to be honored as a founder of this league.  His team:  Tinker-2-Evers  (Lachance).  Get it?
Lachance home  |  Lachance album  |  BPC Homepage

The Founding Fathers, Frank, Mike and Jay  | The 2002 Team

The draft in action:  Darden classmate Phil, Jay at the table, Mike keeping track of the draft on his PC

Here's John drafting his team for his own league.  Last year, John's team, the Honolulu Penguins, won their division in a tight pennant race.  This year, he and Drew started their own league, in which each boy has a team.  Frank advises both boys when asked, except on the subject of trades with each other.
April 14, 2002