Labor Day Weekend, 2001
 Donna's Mom and StepDad (Buddy and Boopie to the kids) were here for  Labor Day weekend.  A major activity was cheering John;s team in the Atlanta Cup tournament (see link below).  But in between, we found plenty of time to relax and play.
John in the Atlanta Cup | John 's Trombone | Deb and Family visit | More August | Lachance album | Lachance Home

Of course, they had to meet the dogs, and vice versa!

John and teammate John W play checkers during a between-games visit to the local Cracker Barrel.

Buddy, Boopie and Drew wait for lunch at Cracker Barrel

The table-top peg games provided plenty of diversion, as did the good food.

Buddy and Boopie relax, and Drew and John play with their dogs
September  8, 2001