Memorial Day weekend 2001, Troy and Tammie hosted a reunion of Windsor Group friends.  It was great to see old friends and their families.
Lachance home  |  Lachance album

Druhots: Troy, Tyler, Chris, Tammie, Megan
with Tammie's mom

Hornaceks:  Sadie, Steve, Darcy, John, Claire

Holt Family:  Karen, Broacj and Adrian (1)

Caye and Genevieve Cosentino  |  Sadie, Megan, Claire, Tyler, John

Drew and John horse around in the Druhot's large backyard

Adrian and Genevieve check out the toy chest, while Claire plays tunes.
Darcy has a moment with Sadie  |  Root Beer buddies Drew and Tyler  |  Pied Piper Brock plays for Adrian

Troy cooks good burgers (and dogs) for the kids to enjoy

What a great-looking bunch of kids!  And where has the time gone?
June 4, 2001