Drew and John arrived home on Christmas afternoon to find a new toy in the front room, and a new dog in the sun room.   They also found that Santa had come and left the usual assortment of stockings and some great gifts. Gifts on this page, foosball and dogs here
More Christmas Pix  |  Christmas Week  | Lachances.com  |  Lachance Album

A cool watch from Parkie and Dan |  Reading what events happened in the year of Drew's birth  |  Opening a present together

A gift card from Aunt Amy and Uncle Steve  |  Cool skate-shoes and a tshirt from Buddy and Boopie

The dreaded Meow-Chi  |  A soccer shirt from Christopher  |  T-Rex from Santa
More Christmas Pix  |  Christmas Week  | Lachances.com  |  Lachance Album