Steve Lachance, Ace Fisherman
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Steve's cousin Howard's fish | Steve and daughter Katie ice fishing
  May 19, 2002:  Steve's catch of the day - a 16 pound king salmon.  He went 12 for 15 out of Muskegon today (10 kings, 1 lake trout  & 1 steelhead) for a total of about 140 lbs.  Shown here back in the driveway, with Marie, Katie, and Katie's friend Kori.  We gave two of  them to Kori's family for supper, and Katie was invited over to eat with them.  She has yet to come back, so we don't know if she ate any of  it or not. ---Amy

Steve caught this charming redhorse sucker by his office on lunch hour in May 2001.   A must-read:  Steve's account of the June/July 2001 Carp Handline Fish-off.
Katie had the first good catch of the millennium - a 4 lb. 11 oz. bass - in Dad's words, "The biggest bass I've seen come through the ice in 15 years."

Fall 2000

Fall 2000
Summer 1999:  32# 9oz. King Salmon, trolling out of Manistee, MI on Lake Michigan. Caught on a "Magnum Green Dolphin."  Unfortunately, I was not "Fishing with John" at the time when this unpredictable and dangerous fish struck.

This trout is from Spring, 2000, and Steve will have to give me some more words

16# King Salmon, caught May, 1998 in Lake Michigan - Grand Haven

12# Steelhead, caught February 1998 in the Grand River, Grand Rapids, MI

11.5# Steelhead, caught January, 1998 in the Grand River, Grand Rapids, MI

19" Whitefish, caught February, 1998 in Lake Michigan near Muskegon