Quest vs. TYSA Triumph, Nov. 9, 2002
89 Red Home  |  2002/03 Album
Played at home in mild weather and muddy fields.  A fast, tough game as usual between these teams.  Score:  3-3.

The boys are jubilant after Evan's header goal tied the game

Celebrating Mark's first goal.  Notice Tyler's polite applause...

Team action

Billy, John W

Gerard, Mark

Tyler, Rafi

Samer, Evan

 Jonathan, Warren

Warren, Chancey

Russell, Thomas

Thomas, Brandon

Goal-scorers Evan and Mark with their family cheering sections

TYSA Coach Terry Wilson and our former coach Scott Lambert confer before the game.  Gissy is happy afterwards!

Rivers and Reese, Connor, Emily (now 2!)

After the game:  Tiger and Chancey, Jonathan, Tyler

Tyler's Dad congratulates him, and Rafi's new dog Pele makes the scene.
November 9, 2002