Atlanta's premier Labor Day tournament, where we were U13A Finalists!

 The team together around gametime.  As you can see, they have a lot of fun together.
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What time is it?  It's GAMETIME

On the sidelines at the Huntsville game

Halftime talk at the Huntsville game

Victorious team leaves the field

Celebrating our early goal against AUSA

Celebrating the first goal n the semifinal against Norcross

Ecstatic after the game-winning third goal against Norcross

Halftime talk from Coach Gissy

Coach winds down the excited finalists with a talk and a jog before leaving the field after the Norcross game

Final Game: Checking in with the refs, and getting hteir half-time talk

Lining up before teh Final Game

Blast from the past:  Last year's pre-game lineup
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September 5, 2002