Quest vs. Brookwood Steamers Blue, May 10
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Played at Brookwood on a Friday night after a flash flood/hailstorm.  Field was soaked and had large pockets of standing water.    They were better "mudders"  than we were, and we lost 1-2,  Few pictures because we lost the light by halftime.

Samer and Sam, Warren, Gerard

Sam, Chancey, Jonathan

Russell, Brandon, Sam and Brandon

Brandon shows his new move.  Hope and Spencer show that I have trained them well - when I show up with the camera, they act silly.

Since it was Mother's Day weekend, we had lots of visiting family

Thomas was sick as a dog Friday night and didn't play.  This was taken the next morning at brother Peter's Chevy Cup Final (they won), when he still under the weather.  See the U11s Chevy Cup pix here.
May 24, 2002